Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 pm
Awana – Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed
- Pre-K thru 6th (Pre-K children must have a parent participating in one of our Wednesday Night Ministries.)
- Scripture Memorization
- Bible Lesson
- Game Time
Register each child (Pre-K thru 6th) here: Awana Registration
Echo – Youth Ministry
- 7th-12th Grade
- Bible Study
- Songs
- Games
Register each student (7th-12th) here: Echo Registration
Adult Study
- New Testament Survey
- Video course provided by Cedarville University and taught by Dr. Mike McKay
- Class led by Pastor David Hixson
- Meets in Room 126 in the Main Building
- No sign up required. Come every week or come when you are able!
- Available to parents serving in or attending a Wednesday night ministry